Movie recommendation: "Blank City" is coming to Germany today
�Nobody was doing what they were good at. The painters were in bands. The musicians were making films.� ( J. Lurie) For those who haven't been physically there it's hardly comprehensibly what The Big Apple was in the decade after the fiscal crisis. Written by the amazing filmmaker and a close friend of I Love You Celine Danhier the movie "Blank City" deals with iconoclastic filmmakers in the East Village and Lower East Side of Manhattan in the late 1970s and early �80s. It is a fascinated look at a dangerous period in New York whenartists and punk bands with hardly any perspective suddenly decided to start making movies. Featured players are such as Blondie's Debbie Harry, Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth, Richard Kern and the acclaimed directors Jim Jarmusch and John Waters. The screening is starting in Germany tonight. Find more information at the film website and see the locations & dates of screening be...