Dominik Haydn Rawle and Ursina Gysi are constantly chased by s treet style photographers. Originally from Switzerland and England/Australia the young couple has a strong sense for outstanding style. For I LOVE YOU NO.09 Ursina and Dominik portrayed each other from their own unique perspectives. Moreover we talked about food rituals and favorites and asked them to share their yummiest recipe. Where are you from? Ursina is from Chur, Switzerland and I was born in Tunbridge Wells in England but grew up for the most part in Manly, Australia. What�s your favorite meal? Rendang, Salt and Pepper Crab, Sylvia`s Buah Keluak, and the Mackerel Menu at Natori. Which are your favorite restaurants from around the globe? Friends Corner, Z�rich for the Kottu Roti and Dried chilis. Eichh�rnli, Z�rich for Z�ri Geschnetzeltes. Rheinfelder Bierhalle, Z�rich for the Jumbo Schnitzel. And the Restaurant Kronenhalle. East Coast Seafood, Singapore. Sami`s, Singapore. Le Martel, Paris. Aux De...